Oretronix a Alzatex Company
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Oretronix a Alzatex Company
Do you need to capture data for compliance purposes or to track customer flow improvement? With people always on the go companies try to make waiting lines more efficient to help better serve their clients, patient and/or customers. Need help with overviewing your daily activity? We also have a Cloud management software (AlzaCloud) that gets detailed information to analyze your activity. We have a ticket printer with advanced data capture and storage for later retrieval.
Do you need basic customer flow control, so that you don't need to yell over your clients, patients and/or customer? Maybe we can help, we have a variety of options to choose from. We provide standard Take-A-Number systems that come with LED windows that can be read from their location they are at. Avoid long waiting lines and prevent them from walking out due to poor waiting line management. Save money now by a click of the button. Eliminate your personal from yelling across the building to get a person attention.